NCEF Celebrates 2018 Graduates
Save the Date: January 25-27, 2019
Join us on January 25-27, 2019 for the 19th Naples Winter Wine Festival (NWWF), as Co-Chairs Jeannelle & Brian Brady and Linda & Tom Koehn bring “Joy to the World.” The 2019 theme is a testament to the uplifting, year-round impact of the annual Festival, and the inspiration that NWWF brings to both attendees and the greater Collier County community. So… Save the Date.
NCEF Celebrates 2018 Graduates
During the 2017-2018 school year, five NCEF-funded programs supported 156 high school graduates who are now moving on to 35 different secondary institutions all across the country, from Florida SouthWestern State College to Hawaii Pacific University. Additionally, over 350 Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten (VPK) students from seven NCEF-funded early learning centers graduated with the skills necessary to succeed in kindergarten and throughout their future academic careers.
Through these NCEF-funded programs, these Collier County scholars are better equipped with the tools and skill set to excel in their academic careers towards kindergarten or life after high school. On behalf of the entire team at NCEF, we congratulate the graduates and their families on achieving this milestone in pursuing higher education.

2018 Graduates
NCEF’S Shining Star
“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.”
– Dr. Seuss
Two years ago, Likenson enrolled in the NCEF-funded Guadalupe Center’s early learning program. At the time, he was unable to speak or understand English and relied on his teachers for nonverbal cues and basic Creole wordsin order to communicate. Gradually, Likenson learned to adapt to his new school and recently has made major strides in his Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten (VPK) classroom.
At the beginning, Likenson was timid and did not want to talk or engage with others. However, he is now happy and excited to enter the warm, comfortable and nurturing class room environment each day that his teachers, Miss Brittany and Miss Betty, have provided.
Likenson has quickly become a leader among his peers from handling direction and responsibilities to speaking up and requesting classroom jobs. He realized how valued and respected he is as a member of the class and that he now has a voice.
Likenson went from hitting below the standard in the VPK assessments to exceeding expectations in all five assessment measures including; print knowledge, phonological awareness, oral language, vocabulary, and mathematics. In a short period of time, Likenson has brought all that he has learned at the Guadalupe Center to fruition. He is a respectful young boy with the desire to learn and the determination to thrive as a student. Thanks to the incredible support from his dedicated teachers, he now has the tools and knowledge to succeed as he prepares for a positive kindergarten year.
Discover the Benefits of Partnering with NCEF
Every year, the Naples Children & Education Foundation and the Naples Winter Wine Festival are blessed to be supported by generous, notable corporate brands through charitable donations and event sponsorship programs. Through these incredible donations from corporate partners, NCEF is able to positively impact children’s lives and continue its mission of supporting effective programs that significantly improve the physical, emotional and educational lives of underprivileged and at-risk children in Collier County, Florida.
There are many opportunities available to help support NCEF. Support is available by giving a donation directly to NWWF, the annual, world-renowned charity wine auction, or by helping underwrite critically needed goods and services essential to NCEF’s operations and programs throughout the year. Additionally, retail businesses and service providers can give a portion of their sales in support of the strategic initiatives and programs administered in the community.
We value our many partnerships and invite everyone to learn more about how a brand, company or business may benefit from supporting our efforts. For more information on partnerships and/or sponsorship and the benefits associated with each, please contact Andy Reed, NCEF Director of Development, at 239.325.2985 or Thank you for supporting NCEF and the hundreds of thousands of children that have prospered from our efforts over the years.
In Case You Missed It
Here is a list of additional recent features of he NWWF and NCEF in the news, please click on any of the below links to view the article.
Florida Weekly- Naples Winter Wine Festival poised to break records again
Naples Daily News- Kudos & Kicks: Reviewing the good, bad and questionable
Life in Naples- 2019 Naples Winter Wine Festival Set To Bring “Joy to the World”
Gulfshore Life- New Chairs, New Theme for 2019 Naples Winter Wine Festival
Forbes Online- Selling Your Vision And Advice From One of Christie’s Top Auctioneers
For a full listing please visit: https://www.napleswinefestival .com/news_press_categories/ published-articles/
Get Involved
If you wish to make a special donation to NCEF, which will ensure that much-needed services reach the most vulnerable children in our community, please visit our donation page.
To learn more about the Festival, and to see more exciting updates, please visit us on
Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. #NWWF2019