Astrid’s second grade teacher was concerned that she was not smiling or engaged in class, when Healthcare Network of Southwest Florida’s Ronald McDonald Care Mobile came to her school. After her initial dental screening, providers…
read moreInfluential national and community leaders, including elected officials, philanthropists, doctors and law enforcement personnel, will be among the featured speakers at the NaplesNEXT Ideas Festival State of the Community Summit. The program, hosted in partnership…
read more“One aspect of our program that’s very unique in bringing the parent into the session,” explained Kurtis Shrewsberry, a pediatric behavioral analyst with Golisano Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida. Shrewsberry works with children diagnosed with…
read moreThe Naples Children & Education Foundation, the founding organization of the highly successful Naples Winter Wine Festival, announced it is celebrating its 20th anniversary with a series of public and private events to build awareness…
read moreThe Naples Children & Education Foundation (NCEF), the founding organization of the highly successful Naples Winter Wine Festival (NWWF), is proud to announce it is celebrating its 20th anniversary with a series of public and…
read moreAs NCEF, the organization behind Winter Wine Festival, prepares for its 20th anniversary, we look at how the foundation exposed child poverty and inequality, rewrote the playbook on local philanthropy inspired a new approach to…
read moreThey’re common questions families have after their child is diagnosed with autism. “What therapies are you needing? What are the schools expecting? What’s the right placement for them at school, or activities what can we…
read moreThe NaplesNEXT Ideas Festival today announced a partnership with the Naples Children & Education Foundation (NCEF), founders of the Naples Winter Wine Festival, that will bring together distinguished members and elected leaders of Collier County,…
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