Nov. 132019

James Bond premiere, Aston Martin car up for grabs at Naples 2020 wine auction

Naples Daily News

“The name is Bond. James Bond.” Sound familiar? It’s close to home, too — the second round of the 2020 auction lots for the Naples Winter Wine Festival announced Wednesday includes a 2020 Aston Martin…

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Nov. 072019

2020 Naples Visitors Guide

Naples Visitors Guide

The Naples Winter Wine Festival (NWWF), the nation’s number one charity wine auction, is returning to the Ritz-Carlton Golf Resort in Naples, FL for its 20th Anniversary!

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Nov. 062019

Health Matters: Autism, Supports for Families


They’re common questions families have after their child is diagnosed with autism. “What therapies are you needing? What are the schools expecting? What’s the right placement for them at school, or activities what can we…

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Nov. 012019

Naples Winter Wine Festival Auction Lots Revealed

Elite Traveler

Naples Winter Wine Festival will celebrate its 20th anniversary with its most special auction to date. The world’s most successful charity wine auction will offer guests the chance to bid on rare vintages as well…

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Sep. 302019

Naples Lions Club project against ‘lazy eye’ in children hits high marks

Naples Daily News

Seven-year-old Luis Garcell says he loves reading and math. Seconds later, after gazing upward and thinking it over, the first-grader at Corkscrew Elementary switches the order: He loves math first then reading. Fortunately, a check…

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Sep. 192019

Naples Winter Wine Festival previews 20th anniversary celebration

Florida Weekly

Imagine receiving private tennis lessons from a tennis champion during Wimbledon, being one of the first to own a 2020 Bentley Flying Spur sedan, sipping on some of the finest and rarest wines from the…

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Sep. 132019


Life in Naples

Imagine receiving private tennis lessons from a tennis champion during Wimbledon, being one of the first to own a 2020 Bentley Flying Spur sedan, sipping on some of the finest and rarest wines from the…

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Sep. 112019

Looking for a luxury vacation to Southeast Asia? Bid for one at the 2020 Naples Winter Wine Festival

Naples Daily News

Are you ready for a private tour through Cambodia and Vietnam? The Naples Winter Wine Festival announced its first round of 2020 auction lots Tuesday. The 2020 festival takes place Jan. 24 through 26 at…

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