The annual Naples Winter Wine Festival raised more than $15 million in just over four hours during its live auction last Saturday, including the top single bid of $480,000 for the 2017 McLaren 570 GT. An…
read moreAlbert Einstein once noted, “It is every man’s obligation to put back into the world at least the equivalent of what he takes out of it.” One doesn’t have to be a genius, however, to…
read moreVintners, chefs and wine glitterati filled the Ritz-Carlton Golf Resort in Naples, Fla., this past weekend at the Naples Winter Wine Festival (NWWF), one of the wine world’s top charitable events. More than 30…
read moreThe Naples Winter Wine Festival raised more than $15 million under the tent over the weekend, and the bids kept coming during an online auction early this week.
read moreWe don’t much care for wine and we feel the same about winter. But praise is in order for the 2017 Naples Winter Wine Festival’s live auction, which ended on Saturday and which raised over…
read moreIf you read our January feature story that went behind the scenes of producing the 2017 Naples Winter Wine Festival, you know it takes more than a village to ensure it goes off without a…
read moreOn January 27, the Naples Winter Wine Festival’s Vintner Dinners, in Naples, Fla., paired some of the world’s finest winemakers and culinary creatives to help underprivileged children in the surrounding community gain key ingredients in life’s…
read moreWhen two Naples wine aficionados come “thisclose” to incorrectly guessing that an American wine is a first-growth Bordeaux (before changing their mind and delivering the right answer), that’s a huge deal. When a table of French…
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