In 2005, 2010, 2017 and 2022
The Trustees of the Naples Children & Education Foundation commissioned several assessments of the needs of children in Collier County. These studies proved to be a comprehensive overview of the status of child well-being in our community.
Several significant gaps in basic services of Collier County children were identified. In response to these findings, the Trustees of NCEF elected to look beyond their annual grants program and proactively engage in strategic partnerships with local non-profits, local colleges, universities and other foundations with the goal of creating long-term solutions to fill the gaps.
Working creatively with other private or public charitable entities, NCEF has established seven major Strategic Initiatives using the Blueprint Model.
NCEF’s unique approach, which emphasizes collaboration between organizations and bridges public and private resources, has become a blueprint for how to transform a community, one issue at a time.
The Blueprint Partners included within the NCEF Strategic Initiatives exemplify the highest levels of efficacy and accountability. Blueprint Partners collaborate to optimize funding and develop innovative programs to deliver high-quality programs and services.